Welcome to On the Outside Studio in Chilwell, Nottingham. I have included some pictures & recordings for you to get a feel for the studio.
On the Outside is named after the 1998 album by the band Symposium. They were a really important band to me while I was getting in to live music, and starting to write my own songs. The studio is literally outside, in my garden, and I feel I’m offering an outsider approach to recording, an alternative to spending a fortune in a comercial studio.
What this is: My practice room & studio space where I practice and record with my 2 bands, and record demo's on my own. The room sounds good, and you can get great recordings here. I have 25 years experience of playing in bands & recording, I have some really good kit & want to share the space, my knowledge & experience to help musicians have a lasting record of their creativity - at a fair price, in a relaxed environment. I am also renting out the space as a practice studio when it isn’t in use for recording.
What this isn’t: Abbey Road. If you want a pro studio, with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of analogue gear, a seperate control room, live room, high ceilings, beautiful natural reverb - this isn’t for you. Go to Abbey Road, I’m sure they would be happy to help :) I do have a great plugin from IK that emulates the Sunset Sound studio in LA though!
Examples of work